Wizyta Vakantie Xperts

W dniach 28-30 kwietnia gościliśmy w Warszawie travel agent Susan Wolfs-Jansen z holenderskiej agencji Vakantie Xperts w ramach wizyty współorganizowanej z Zagranicznym Ośrodkiem POT Holandia.
Thank you so much for the very nice weekend in Warsaw.
Warsaw really surprised us.
- Old versus new, we didn’t expect the huge buildings and very modern shopping malls. (We visited Zlote Tarasy and Plac Unii City Shopping and Vitkac)
- How they rebuild Stare Miasto in the same way as it used to be. We have also seen New Town.
- Warsaw is a very clean city. No rubbish, almost no homeless people (like you see in many big cities).
- It’s also a very green city. Many beautiful parks (we loved the Łazienki Park, but also the park where the Saski Palace used to be), very big avenues.
We really liked the market hall Koszyki.
We didn’t use the public transport while we walked about 40 kilometers in the two days. But, of course, we looked through prices to tell my clients. Public transport as well as taking a taxi is very cheap.
We have had a very pleasant stay at the Grand Mercure hotel. The room was very nice (especially the shower) and a very good breakfast. A little funny story. There was a machine to make smoothies of carrots and apples. Jarno would like to try this. So, he made a smoothie for himself. At that time, there came an old French lady of about 80 years old. She also wanted to try the smoothie, so Jarno made one for her. The next morning, we came in the restaurant, everybody was drinking a carrot smoothie (the lady was in a group traveling around in Poland and she told all the French people about the lovely carrot smoothie). Maybe now it doesn’t sound all that funny, but it really was.
I think we have seen the most important sites of the city to get a good impression of Warsaw the city, the friendly people, the ambiance by day and night and the food (we have tried the dumplings and potatoes at Nowy Świat).
Warsaw has all the ingredients of a world city. It certainly won’t disappoint any visitor.
In the coming weeks, I will make a report for Travecademy so all travel agents can read our experiences of Warsaw. Below, you will see the photo’s that I will send to them. We have taken more than 250 photo’s. I think it will be too much to post them all 🙂
Thanks again for the nice weekend!
Kind regards,
Susan Wolfs-Jansen
Zdjęcia wykorzystane do zilustrowania artykułu zostały wykonane przez Susan Wolfs-Jansen podczas jej pobytu w Warszawie.